Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Afternoon...

...I spent this afternoon, like I do most Sunday's, at school getting ready for my week in AP US History.  However, today was little different.  30+ students showed up to review for their mid term exams this week.  I feel honored and privileged to be able to teach at school where the kids are willing to come in on Sunday.  When I got home the emails from parents saying Thank You blew me away.  This is not me trying to brag, I do this for my kids in class. They want to be successful and they work extremely hard. I hope the review helped them understand some tough content that they need to know that the College Board expects them to understand. 

Should my posts be longer?

1 comment:

  1. In answer to your's totally up to you on your blog post length, some of mine are long, some are short. Write for YOU, not an audience and it will be much more meaningful.
