Monday, March 9, 2015

Flash Blog for #Flipclass

I typically do not do a lot of student-centered learning in class. My main argument is I do not have time to allow my kids to create so much content. Teaching in the AP environment does not give me a lot of options for student creation.  If you have any suggestions on how to incorporate more of this please let me know.

With that being said, I have allowed my students to create a final exam project for Delia Bush's 5th-grade classroom.  They are creating lesson plans for their student and the kids actually love doing this. We took 3 days to stop APUSH and created the first of two lessons. It really helped with the moral of the class last week, in a time of year that is hard to teach.

***Had to put Cooper and Sully to bed and had to take a 10 min break.***

Also, it was Sully's 1st birthday party yesterday.

I really want to find more ways for my students to create more in class but I am worried it is going to take more time away from learning critical thinking skills that my students need to master in order to have success on the APUSH exam.  FYI - I have 4 chapters left to cover and get them ready for the exam on May 8th.


  1. It is so unfortunate that we teach in a world where we feel as though we cannot allow our students to create; won't students hold jobs that require them to create? I have struggled with letting students create as well, but I am trying to move past "covering" content to digging deeper into the content for deeper understanding; however, I know that it isn't always as doable when you have an AP test staring back at you. I do think though that while you may not be covering as much content, allowing students to create is still developing their critical thinking skills which are transferable to standardized tests.

  2. APUSH was fun. I would totes give you a good rating on rate my teacher.

  3. George Washington the first president of the United States!!!!!!!!!!!
